Signal/One Newsletters
Following are the S/1 Newsletters. These newsletters were produced
by Bob Sullivan, W0YVA. They have been scanned in as I have them.
Please note that some of the information contained in these newsletters
is incorrect. Please check any modifications before implementing
- Volume 1, Number 1
- CX7 Parts - Payne Radio
- Power Supply Boards
- Checking MOSFETS in circuits
- Modifications for using preselector
- Modifications to improve AGC action
- Adjusting R46 (8.8 MHz) without frequency counter
- Volume 1, Number 2
- Front Panel pushbutton engraving
- LED readout boards - availability
- 40673 substitute
- Installing Johnson power supply "B" board
- Correction to checking MOSFETS (NO. 1)
- Modification for increased audio output
- Volume 1, Number 3
- Serial number information
- LED counter boards from K0HHP
- Adjusting R46 (8.8 MHz) with a BC221
- CX-11 information from Franklin Lages
- Repairing PTO backlash
- Volume 1, Number 4
- Receiver incremental tuning without modifications
- Elininating frequency shifts when switching from VFO A to
- K0HHP power supply modifications (step-by-step)
- AGC modification
- Transmit mode lockup repair hint
- Push-buttons from Don Payne
- B5750 nixie sources
- Power supply notes
- Volume 1, Number 5
- Net information
- Replacement power transformers from Johnson
- Another nixie tube source
- K0HHP power supply schematic
- Repair service information - Larry Pace
- Adjusting R46 (8.8 MHz) with no equipment
- Caution note on Johnson power supply board
- Modification to add sidetone PITCH (CW) control
- Volume 1, Number 6
- Substitute transistor information
- Using ALC with A77 linears
- 8072 socket modification
- Receiver intermittent repari hint
- Volume 1, Number 7
- More transistor substitutions
- Modification to protect 8072
- RTTY modifications by W4FQM/1
- Another hint on repairing PTO backlash
- Motorola IC error correction
- Modification to prevent reed relay sticking
- Modification to prevent AGC pumping action
- Installation of MFJ audio filter
- Volume 1, Number 8
- Corrections for transistor substitute listings
- Modification to utilize LM380 audio IC
- Technical manual corrections
- Zener diode change for CX7A power supply board
- Modification to use AGC with A77 linears
- A77 modifications - general
- Volume 1, Number 9
- Installing MFJ audio (CW) filter
- CX7A modifications by W8CXS
- Curing instability in the 43.1 MHz oscillator
- Volume 1, Number 10
- Correction to modification concerning .01uf to replace driver
- CX-11 information via Reston
- RTTY modifications
- Information concerning spurious emissions by W2GRU
- Instructions for installation of CX7B power supply board
- Volume 1, Number 11
- Repairs by K6BE
- AUTEK research audio filter information
- PA237 replacement
- Reed relay information
- Capacitor replacement to prevent RF driver board damage
- Keyer modification by W8CXS
- Schematic of CX7B power supply board
- Volume 1, Number 12
- More info on capacitor replacement to prevent RF driver board
- Modification to eliminate images when in A/TO mode
- More backlash information
- Volume 2, Number 1
- Feedback from W8CXS on his keyer modification
- Using a 80-meter dipole on 160
- Complete INDEX for Volume 1, 1975
- Volume 2, Number 2
- LED counter boards from K0HHP
- Repair hint for noisy audio
- Repair hints for lock-up and hang-up in the XMIT mode
- Caution concerning switching from BROADBAND to MANUAL
- Mounting TRW PT3657's for use as replacements for RF drivers
- Volume 2, Number 3
- Backissues from K2GI
- Nixie tubes from B&F Enterprises
- RIT modification by W7IV - Step-by-step
- Replacement information for 2N5485
- Sidetone volume circuit modification
- Volume 2, Number 4
- LED counter boards from K0HHP
- CX11 information
- 8072 power supply complete schematic
- Availability of 8072's
- Volume 2, Number 5
- Defective 8072 socket problem
- RIT modifications (2)
- Cleaning lubricant off PTO lead screws
- ALPHA amplifier operation with CX7 (increase efficiency)
- Reducing range of OFFSET potentiometer
- Volume 2, Number 6
- Modifications to eliminate frequency shift when switching
- Information concerning the W7BBX programmable keyer
- Heathkit HD-1410 keyer modifications to cure RF problems
- Volume 2, Number 7
- Repairs by K6BE
- RIT modifications by K6BE (passive)
- Hint while leaving the CX7 energized at all times
- Differences between original manual and Thomas manual
- Replacement information for the RF drivers (Q3 and Q4)
- VFO oscillation
- Low band DX antenna by WA4TLB
- Volume 2, Number 8
- Oscillation on 20 meters - cure
- W7BBX contest keyer modification
- CX11 information
- Volume 2, Number 9
- Synthesizer information by W7IV - prelim modifications
- K0HHP counter board modification to select 100 or 10 Hz
- Low audio and no RF output - cause and cure
- Replacement for TIP29A's and TIP30A's
- Index for Volume II, Numbers 1 through 6
- Volume 2, Number 10
- More transistor substitutions
- Cure for Autek QF-1 filter feedback with CX7
- Mounting driver transistors, Q3, Q4
- Repairs by K6BE/5
- RIT and High power protection mods by K6BE/5
- Volume 2, Number 11
- Comments concerning digital display by K2SIL/1
- Cure for intermittant loss of 8072 bias
- CX11 photographs
- Volume 2, Number 12
- CX11 performance by W0AM
- Autek Audio filter hint
- CX11 performance by W0NVE
- Receiver insensitive on 20 meters - cause and cure
- No readings in screen and drive - cause and cure
- No clipping indication on weak signals - cause and cure
- Poor sensitivity on weak signals - cause and cure
- No VOX operation - cause and cure
- Volume 3, Number 1
- Volume 3, Number 2
- Volume 3, Number 3
- Volume 3, Number 4
- Volume 3, Number 5
- Volume 3, Number 6
- Volume 3, Number 7
- Volume 3, Number 8
- Volume 3, Number 9
- Volume 3, Number 10
- Volume 3, Number 11/12
Copyright© 2005 HAManuals
All rights reserved
Last modified: 11/29/2005